Planes, jets, drones, flying machines are as intricate as they are amazing. Hairpin maneuvers require a lot of skill and focus in a trained pilot. But, what about the machinery inside? The power and innovation of aerospace technology will challenge many markets to become more efficient with their products. For the sensor market, there is a chance for many opportunities.
The sensor market for aerospace technology will go from over a billion dollars in revenue in 2013 to over 2.5 billion by 2020 Frost & Sullivan predict. Additionally, the industry is on track to product 34,000 more aircrafts in the next 20 years. Boeing alone had a revenue of $86 million in 2013. For the sensor market that means long term planning and solutions for our partners in the air. Aerospace designers are pushing for low-energy, compact and simple as aircrafts get sleeker and faster. Frost & Sullivan Senior Industry Analyst Sankara Narayanan comments, “The increase in fuel costs is driving the demand for fuel-efficient aircraft with next-generation engine technology and new jet power plants. These innovations are compelling sensor manufacturers to develop advanced sensors that offer compactness, low cost, reduced complexity, interoperability and ability to communicate with other sensors.” The trade-off is that sensors need to be as sophisticated and innovative as the machine they will be put in.
There is no end to the Sensors need for aerospace technology. From temperature, to vibration, and calibration, these sensors will be critical for optimal performance. . While currently iButtonLink is not on the forefront of aerospace technology, there is certainly room for our genius team to create a solution as we have for many clients before. One example of our already innovative technology is our Corrosion sensor which detects any gas that will decay metal. Using precise techniques, our silver or copper coupons can last approximately 5 years. For more information on our Corrosion products, please contact us.
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Frost & Sullivan, headquartered in Mountain View, CA, is a global consulting firm specializing in corporate growth, market analysis, and much more. For more information on Senior Analyst Sankara Narayanan, please visit their website.